Life-Changing Love

  Some teachings change our lives. At a small Tuesday morning women’s group in 1978, the leader taught on the “three revelations:”  the Lordship of Jesus, the love of the Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Lordship, love, and power. If we are believers, then the lordship of Jesus has been revealed to us and we’ve …

Prayer for the Turning of the Year

  Thank you for building my faith in 2011 for___________(insert your own experience). Faith is your gift. Unless you strengthen my trust, I will sink into the mud of unbelief. Let my faith, hope, and love increase  in 2012. Thank you for showing me again, that you are  bigger than __________(insert fear). In 2011, you’ve …

A Christmas Prayer

  Thank you, Father, for sending your word made flesh to that smelly Bethlehem stable. Your odd, nearly unbelievable advent.  Your lethal weapon against this world’s destructive ruler. A soft-skinned flailing infant. Your weakness stronger than our strength. Thank you for embodied hope. For peace and promise. For abundant expectation in the kingdom that has come, …