Fill Our Own Tank

I'm tired. I just deleted two hundred words and two pictures that I'd been working on for two hours. Am I tired because I couldn't generate a thoughtful insight or is my fatigue blocking my brain? I'm too tired to decide.

How did we get in a place where so many of us feel pressure to produce a coherent thought every day or every week so those who read us will be entertained or encouraged? Used to be only magazines took on that task. Time magazine collected the news every week, wrote up the latest conflict, and we read it in our easy chairs. We didn't know about user-generated content.

Today, I'd like to go back to that. I don't want to think about social media, or book promotion, or even being a means of grace. Not today. I'll feel more rested later and I'll come back. But today, I'm going to read someone else's writing and glean God's word of grace to me.

Sometimes we need to fill our own tank.

Father, thank you for being in charge so we can take time to rest.