What Do We Expect?

What we expect practically determines what we ask for. For example, what do we expect of God? When the diagnosis is cancer, do we expect God to heal directly, immediately? Do we expect God to heal through medicine? Do we expect to die? What do we expect of our spouse? Of our pastor, our professors, …

Sow Five Positive Words

Here’s a self-compassion challenge: for every negative thought about our self or our behavior, write five positive sentences. Words that are true, kind, and hopeful. A local newspaper columnist from the ’80s often referred to his wife as his “constant companion.” Since we are our own constant companion, let’s apply some marital research to our …

Permission to Feel

What strategies do you use to process your painful emotions? Can you label them? Do you know what sadness feels like? Do you know how fear feels? What does anger do to your insides? Sad, mad, glad, and fear. Those are often considered the four basic categories of emotions. Labeling is the first step. A …