Recognize a Safe Person

  “Find a safe person to process your pain with,” I wrote in Trauma Thoughts. Who’s a safe person? Some of us instinctively know who’s safe and who’s not, but others may find themselves repeatedly baring their souls to people who ignore or trample them. If we need to develop skill in recognizing a trustworthy …

Trauma Thoughts

  My husband’s cancer, diagnosed in 2009 and treated over the next two years, did not traumatize me. “What do you mean by that,” you might ask. “Wasn’t it intense and scary and didn’t you cry?” Yes, yes, and yes. But genuine trauma overwhelms our coping abilities and leaves unprocessed feelings stuffed away. We walk away …

“Why can’t God just make my life better? Right now.”  In twenty years of hearing clients talk about their difficult lives, I’ve heard many variations on that sentence. In the middle of a divorce, a man wonders why God didn’t save his marriage. He’d prayed for five years for his wife to fall in love …