The Voice of the Father

At Write to Publish while my daughter is still visiting with her son, Calvin, I missed this actual event yesterday. But I can see it in my mind's eye:

Our daughter is sitting in my floral recliner. My husband, Jerry, is crawling with Calvin toward the kitchen. Jenn's husband, Chad, is driving their truck camper out from Colorado to pick them up for a week-long camping trip to Wisconsin. Jenn has just phoned him. When she puts him on speakerphone, Calvin does an about-face, grinning with joy, speeding toward his father's voice.

What an image. The power of the voice of the father. Don't we all long to hear the sound of our Father's voice?

Father, today, may we rejoice at the sound of your voice. Come to us. Speak to us. We are hungry for you.

2 replies on “The Voice of the Father”

  1. And doesn’t the voice of the beloved Father make everything okay?! I thought, too, of how delighted my parents sound when I call. How sometimes my mom tells me I made her day just by calling. How when I know my dad is taking care of something, I don’t have to worry because it will be great.
    There is power in the Father’s voice.

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