A Leg to Stand On

"The first step felt like stepping into the abyss because I couldn’t feel the leg." Liz had suffered a stroke and was talking about learning to walk again, using her disabled limb. "When I realized I do have a leg to stand on, I could put my weight down on it." Only as she believed her leg was actually there could she learn to walk.

That’s faith. Believing God is there and able to support our weight. Jesus is our leg to stand on. In my life, that means believing God will provide financially as I take these years to learn to write.  In your life, perhaps Jesus being your leg to stand on means you take emotional risks. You work on forgiving your parents or your siblings. Or you open yourself up to God more fully, having put your weight on his deep compassion. We obey God to the extent we believe he’s really there and really cares.

Jesus, thank you for being our leg to stand on. Help us put our weight on you today.