A Peculiar Wedding

I’ve often thought the group we gather for a wedding to be odd, unusual, and never repeated, except maybe at a funeral. Some family, lots of friends, a few people we don’t know all that well–co-workers, a church elder, our childhood Sunday school teacher. Many times, guests don’t know each other. Singles come alone, hoping …

Always Emmanuel

“Do this in remembrance of me,” Jesus said as he broke the bread and poured the wine at the last passover with his disciples before his crucifixion. Some churches remember him in communion every Sunday, some less often, but regularly. Some of us do communion ourselves, spouse with spouse. Others believe the elements must be …

Sow Five Positive Words

Here’s a self-compassion challenge: for every negative thought about our self or our behavior, write five positive sentences. Words that are true, kind, and hopeful. A local newspaper columnist from the ’80s often referred to his wife as his “constant companion.” Since we are our own constant companion, let’s apply some marital research to our …