Break Time 1

Taking a break today and next week. Here are a few blogs to check out. Leadership blogs: Wally Block Michael Hyatt Writers: Mary DeMuth Mary Pierce Dianne Neal Matthews Forgiveness, etc: Serena Wood More later!  I hope you have a blessed week. Jesus, be present to us this week. …

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Me: “Do you really want to let the bicycle trailer to stay out in the weather all summer? What about putting it in the shed?” He’d lifted the fabric-covered carrier off it’s hooks inside the back door and locked it to the outside of the screened porch. Jerry: “There might be room, but the shed …

His Smile is Enough

Many of us grew up with “not enough.” Not enough lap space, not enough hugs, not enough attention. That has long term consequences. For some of us, it gets internalized into, “I’m not enough.” I don’t have enough to give to anyone else. Nobody wants to hear my thoughts. Nobody’s interested. Or we believe we …