Hold Tight the Kingdom

There are many unseen but real threats, but there are also unseen but real promises, and he who makes them says, “Behold, I am coming soon” (Revelation 22:12). Stuart McAllister  August 6, 2009 Slice of Infinity devotional from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries What kinds of threats are unseen? Unseen in the sense that they are …

Nobody Wants to Join This Club

Last week, we joined one of those clubs nobody wants to join. When Jerry's urologist opened up his laptop in his office last Tuesday afternoon, he glanced at the biopsy report and said, "Uh, oh." We knew. And we quickly learned about Gleason numbers, and brachytherapy and radical prostatectomy. None of which we wanted to …

Who Makes It Happen?

"Go, make something happen.” That was Seth Godin's charge to his first graduating class of nine in his informal MBA program. Godin is the author of TRIBES, a highly regarded marketing book. That phrase reminds me of the times I’ve talked to psychotherapy clients who were trying to “make something happen”—but it wasn’t working. They were …