Life-Changing Love


Some teachings change our lives. At a small Tuesday morning women’s group in 1978, the leader taught on the “three revelations:”  the Lordship of Jesus, the love of the Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lordship, love, and power. If we are believers, then the lordship of Jesus has been revealed to us and we’ve accepted his authority. But we can be believers all our lives without the other two.

Beautiful Living Room! Pictures, Images and Photos A young mother then, I’d walked with the Lord Jesus several years, but guilt and shame fed my restless heart.  Though I had experienced some of the power of the Spirit and in my head, I knew the Father loved me, in my heart, I wandered in and out of the rooms of the Father’s house. I wanted to settle in but I couldn’t relax.

As the leader talked that day, I grasped that a revelation of his “love that would not let me go” would allow me to move in. I longed to lie on the couch, to enjoy the light of his face.

She suggested praying for revelation, so I prayed. I’ve written several pages in my memoir about this process, ending with a particular experience:  …”a warmth I’d never felt before began at the top of my head and flowed through every inch of my body. In one swoop through my being, God’s love filled my heart. He was smiling at me. His arms were open as I walked into his embrace. It was the revelation of the Father’s love I’d been asking for.” pg. 153, Trading Fathers (Winepress, 2009)

If you question his love for you, won’t you ask for a revelation this year? Every day:  “Father, reveal your love to me, please.”

Let me know what happens.

Father, more love, more power, under your lordship in Jesus. For your glory and our joy, Amen.