Paying Attention

At a party yesterday, I wasn’t paying attention to the overeating battle. Peanuts and chocolate chips sat on the games table as we played Phase Ten. The artichoke dip was hot and inviting. The onion potato chips were satisfying and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had any kind of potato chip. So I had three dozen. I got fooled into thinking I’m here for a good time. For good taste. God is happy for us to enjoy his good gifts, but that’s not the core concept. The core is war. Every day is a battle between wisdom and foolishness.

Maybe eating isn’t your problem. (I apologize to anyone reading this who does not have enough to eat.) Maybe you struggle with sexual temptations. Today, you gave in, listening to the voice that said, "It’s not that big a deal, just this once." Or maybe you intended to give some money to World Vision, but the checking account was drained before you got around to it. These battles are hard, aren’t they? Jesus says we reap what we sow. If we sow wisdom, we will reap goodness. If we sow foolishness, we will reap sadness.

Jesus, we want to be made holy, but it is a hard battle. Please help us pay attention.