Obedient Wrestling

“If I tell Jesus my anger, he’ll throw me out of the room.” The young woman’s tears glistened on her cheeks. During prayer ministry time, I had just encouraged her to be honest with God about how she felt. Her husband had cheated and she’d been downsized. She was furious with her husband, her boss, …

Holy Spirit Flavors

Rice and beans? Meat and potatoes? Cheese, bread, and fruit? These are three among many cuisines. Which are you drawn to? Based on your upbringing or your sense of adventure, you probably prefer one diet over the other. All provide the needed protein. Each group comes in manifold types and combinations. Flavors range from mild …

Permission to Speak Freely

At your church, do you have permission to speak of hidden sin and shame? What’s the culture about confession? What’s allowable? Can you tell your pastor of your porn addiction? What about your small group? Can you speak from the front of the congregation about your deep fear of rejection? Who can you talk to …