After all, Jesus

Will salvage radiation and hormone therapy, subsequent to surgery, cure my husband’s prostate cancer? I don’t know. In this uncertainty, I’m working on resting in the certain promises of Jesus, the incarnate God who weeps with us. And it is work. It’s work to remember to pray all day. It’s work to affirm God’s unseen …

The Last Act?

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."Luke 21:28 Lately, this scripture plays in the back of my mind, like a soundtrack. Is it my age or the stage of the world?  At 58, I'm at the beginning of my last act here. …

Fear/Faith Percentage

John says in his first letter (4:18) "Perfect love casts out fear." Only God's love is perfect. As we receive/grasp/live in, his perfect love, we will be less and less fearful. Fear has, at points in my life, completely overwhelmed me. The severe mental illness I experienced in my twenties was an exercise in terror. …
