God-Focused Change

I spend a lot more time "butt in chair" at the computer than I used to. Even writing the book, I didn't stay at the computer as long as I do now. For those three years of writing, I spent 4 hours, from 9-1pm, a day. That, at least, was the goal, which I met often enough to actually finish the book. Yay.

Anyway, as I engage in my new full-time job of marketing the book, I'm on Twitter (@tradingfathers) Facebook (friend me, with reference to this blog) and just keeping up with all the other ways to get the word out.

I used to spend a lot of time thinking, time reading, and some time just enjoying God's creation. I have library books due soon that I haven't touched, and I'm thinking right now, I guess, but the enjoying God's beauty in creation consists of hearing the birds outside my window as I sit at the computer.

How are you doing with the changes in your schedule in the last year? Are there any? What's changed that you miss? Is there a way for us to resist and return to what we miss? Or are some good aspects of our lives just done?

Sometimes we are done with a season of our lives. Our children leave home and we're done with daily parenting. Not done with daily prayer, of course, just the daily, in person, interaction. We lose a job and perhaps we are finished with that profession or those tasks. It's time to learn new tasks. Time to retrain. Or we realize a spouse's failing health is going to mean we can't plant the garden this year. Change comes on us suddenly or slowly, but it comes.

I try to keep off the computer on Sundays, and usually Saturdays. I take bike rides, walks, and make time to read. And to remember that his creation deserves to be enjoyed. We glorify him when we use time to ponder the splendor of his works. And we remind ourselves that he is in charge.

Papa-God, may we glorify you during the changes in our lives. Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Lord. Amen.