Image Truth

"God, I'm out on a limb, here." I'd just sent in my memoir manuscript and was feeling vulnerable. Immediately, an image came, of Jesus standing under the limb, supporting the thick branch. Not only was the branch enough to hold me, but it rested on Jesus' shoulder, directly under my position on the limb.

So many times in our lives, we feel like we're in precarious positions, don't we? We are facing foreclosure, feeling so alone, wondering what to do next. Maybe we sensed God's call to graduate school, but the work feels so overwhelming. Or we're grieving a painful childhood, wondering if we'll ever feel good, like other people seem to.

But feelings don't always tell the truth. God tells the truth and we must tell ourselves the truth. Jesus says  "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28:20 NIV)
And Isaiah records God's intentions regarding Israel, and all those whom he has called to follow:

"But you, O Israel (insert your own name), my servant,
       Jacob, whom I have chosen,
       you descendants of Abraham my friend,

  I took you from the ends of the earth,
       from its farthest corners I called you.
       I said, 'You are my servant';
       I have chosen you and have not rejected you.

  So do not fear, for I am with you;
       do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
       I will strengthen you and help you;
       I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:8-10, NIV

God has chosen us and not rejected us. Though we may feel we are in precarious positions, God is our support and our strength. We can learn to rest in that truth, no matter what it feels like.

Father, we thank you that our life with you does not depend on our changeable feelings, but rests on your unchanging choice to uphold us. Please give us a sustaining image of that reality.