Permission to Speak Freely

At your church, do you have permission to speak of hidden sin and shame? What’s the culture about confession? What’s allowable? Can you tell your pastor of your porn addiction? What about your small group? Can you speak from the front of the congregation about your deep fear of rejection? Who can you talk to …

What’s to Fear?

“When I die, Karen gets my amount of Social Security.” My husband was talking to some co-workers recently as he returned some keys he’d been using for parking meter collection. One of them frowned. “Oh, don’t talk like that.” “Why not? It’s gonna happen.” Jerry laughed on his way out the door. He recounted the …

No Favorites

Have you ever wondered if God likes you as much as he likes Billy Graham or Francis Chan or Loren Cunningham? Those men or women to whom he’s given great responsibilities? In Galatians 2:6, Paul notes how the leaders at Jerusalem added nothing to his preaching, ending with:  (By the way, their reputation as great …